Look I can Walk! Now I'm scared of new foods!
Initially, when you start weaning your baby at around 6 months they will probably be happy to eat and taste most things you serve. However, many parents report a "fussy period" around 10-18 months and it is no coincidence that it happens when your little one starts to learn to walk.
This protective mechanism termed Neophobia kicks-in which turns your once
happy eater in to a suspicious child, fearful of new foods and textures. Neophobia is the
fear of new things and this is likely to be a throwback to our ancestors.
If you imagine your baby is a little "cave baby" born at a time when we lived in the soil, hunted for meat and crawled around in caves. Your baby would have been toddling around picking berries and leaves from trees
which could be potentially poisonous. So this fear of new foods and the keenness to look to
a caregiver (you) to show it is safe to eat before putting it in the mouth is one of the
ways the human race has survived.
It is more important than ever during this time that you sit and eat the same foods
with your child to reassure them the food is safe to eat. This will help reassure your baby through this "fussy time" that these new foods are nothing to fear.
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