Thursday, 24 January 2013

Ban The Baby Rice

Ban the Baby Rice!

 Your baby is keen to explore the world through her eyes. 

This (plastic) baby skull shows how the orbits are initially much bigger in relation to the rest of the head, so she can absorb as much about the world around her as she can in those early days. As she grows, her nervous system develops and her mouth becomes important, enabling her to experience more dimensions (she may like putting your car keys in her mouth!) and finally, the hand control develops giving her even more opportunity to understand and interpret the vast array of objects which come her way.

Have you ever wondered why there aren’t many beige baby toys on the market? Beige things don't grab a child’s attention nor trigger their curiosity to reach and explore, so why are so many of us encouraged to serve-up baby rice as a first meal? Boring! Food exploration is no different to toy exploration so apply the same principles when serving up eye, mouth and hand-pleasing and food to your little one.

We like to set our little ones a good example and encourage sharing. We don't mind you using any of the information, recipes and tips from our website, all we ask is that you credit us hard-working mummies here at Yummy Discoveries. 
Thank you x
 ©Yummy Discoveries Ltd.

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