Monday, 24 September 2012

Super-Quick Chicken (Slow Cooker) Recipe

Super-Quick Chicken (Slow Cooker) Recipe

Slow cookers can be a handy gadget when you're a parent with not alot of time. But many sit on the kitchen worktop in homes and rarely get used. I found myself this weekend with some chicken breasts in the fridge rapidly approaching their Use by date and not much time on my hands so rustled this recipe up from bits and bobs lurking at the back of my cupboards. It went down a storm with the big and little people and will definitely be served up again.

500g Chicken Breasts (or skinless and boneless chicken thigh fillets)
Sun dried tomato paste
250ml Passata
4-6 cloves of garlic (crushed)
1/2 tsp chilli flakes
Handful of chopped coriander (or you can use 1 tsp dried)
1 tsp ground cumin

1. Rub the chicken with the sun dried tomato paste and pop in the slow cooker
2. Chuck the rest of the ingredients in and switch on to medium for 5-7 hours

We served this with some steamed veggies and some thick chunks of bread to mop up the sauce. Enjoy!

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©Yummy Discoveries Ltd.

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