Monday, 24 September 2012

Super-Quick Chicken (Slow Cooker) Recipe

Super-Quick Chicken (Slow Cooker) Recipe

Slow cookers can be a handy gadget when you're a parent with not alot of time. But many sit on the kitchen worktop in homes and rarely get used. I found myself this weekend with some chicken breasts in the fridge rapidly approaching their Use by date and not much time on my hands so rustled this recipe up from bits and bobs lurking at the back of my cupboards. It went down a storm with the big and little people and will definitely be served up again.

500g Chicken Breasts (or skinless and boneless chicken thigh fillets)
Sun dried tomato paste
250ml Passata
4-6 cloves of garlic (crushed)
1/2 tsp chilli flakes
Handful of chopped coriander (or you can use 1 tsp dried)
1 tsp ground cumin

1. Rub the chicken with the sun dried tomato paste and pop in the slow cooker
2. Chuck the rest of the ingredients in and switch on to medium for 5-7 hours

We served this with some steamed veggies and some thick chunks of bread to mop up the sauce. Enjoy!

We like to set our little ones a good example and encourage sharing. We don't mind you using any of the information, recipes and tips from our website, all we ask is that you credit us hard-working mummies here at Yummy Discoveries. 
Thank you x
©Yummy Discoveries Ltd.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Preschool Packed Lunches

Preschool Packed Lunches

So your little one is starting preschool and for the first time you’re sending in a packed lunch. When you were little it probably wasn’t uncommon to be sent with a sandwich filled with some awful paste (and a token slice of cucumber), a packet of crisps and a Capri-sun. How things have changed! Children’s packed lunches are being scrutinised everywhere to ensure they’re nutritionally balanced, and so the pressure is on for you as a parent to get it right.

Is My Lunchbox Healthy?

Have you seen’s healthy lunchbox maker? You can drag and drop the ingredients in your child’s lunchbox and watch the nutritional information pop out at the other end! However, you can waste quite a while on this and at the end of the day, only get a bunch of numbers that mean very little; so instead why not spend the time reading on....!

We know that every parent probably worries about whether their child’s lunchbox is healthy enough, particularly because your child’s lunch is now seen in public every day for the first time. So here are some tips - some for your lunchbox and some for you!

Don’t spend too much time worrying 

Don’t get too caught up in trying to create The Perfect Lunchbox. It’ll mean you end up worrying too much about what goes in it every day, and you may then end up worrying about whether it all gets eaten. If you invest too much in this, you may find yourself getting needlessly stressed, which won’t help. Many mums find themselves worrying about what their child is eating at each meal, when considering nutritional intake at each meal in isolation matters a lot less than what your child eats over a day, and even over a week.

Don’t send foods you HOPE they will eat

We hear from preschool teachers that children are being sent in with foods they won’t eat at home in the desperate hope that they will eat it at preschool. On one hand you’re right, they are more likely to eat a food when sitting among peers who are also eating it, as they want to fit in.  Also, there really will be no alternative to the lunch you have provided – no sneaky bowl of yogurt or pack of pom-bears to make sure they have something. On the other hand, just because your child eats the food when among peers doesn’t mean they’ll suddenly eat it at home, so you probably will not actually be solving the problem. It just means that their need to be included was bigger than their need not to eat the food, when surrounded by their peers. You can use strategies to exploit this social need at home, but you need to do the work.

Understand your important role

As a parent, your child looks to you for reassurance that what they are eating is safe and they trust you more than anyone else. This goes back to Neanderthal times, when it might have been unsafe to eat certain berries so a healthy distrust of new foods served a child well. An older, wiser, trusted person would have played an important role in helping them eat the safe food and avoid dangerous ones. With this in mind, your child doesn’t have the same relationship with their teacher as they do with you. Therefore, the preschool dining room is not the place for a relative stranger, who cannot spend repeated time one to one with them, to undertake the task of helping your child become familiar with a new food.

Reframe a problem as an opportunity to help your child

The best way to really change your child’s attitude towards a particular food is undoubtedly to help them become familiar with it yourself, in a safe environment, with lots of time and patience. If your child isn’t eating a food at home, ask yourself what you can do to help change things? What is the problem here? Is it about lack of familiarity or is it about something else (e.g. using the food to exert their will)? How can you help them with this problem? When you work out how to help them and it works, it’ll have a positive impact on your confidence, your self-esteem as a mother and the trust between you and your child. It will also promote a dynamic of collaboration and unity between you, instead of resistance.

Be realistic

When you do your weekly shop, sit down and plan your lunchboxes for the week and more importantly WHEN you are going to prepare them. It’s all very well planning a fabulous gourmet each day but if you’re juggling other children or work, your enthusiasm will probably wane and you’ll resort to the same old stuff. Then you set yourself up for feeling like a failure. So don’t do it to yourself - be realistic.

Plan a Week of Lunches In Advance

Your little one should be eating different foods on different days to prevent boredom. Exposing them to a variety of foods will expand their tastes. A healthy lunchbox should ideally contain protein, carbohydrates, dairy and fruit / vegetables. Don't fret if you can't get all of these into a single box, though. Your child can make up deficiencies in other meals and snacks if necessary when they get home or at breakfast time. Remember, it’s what your child eats over a day, or even a week, that matters.

Variety is the Spice of Life

Variety can simply mean sending in a sandwich on Monday, stuffed Pitta on Tuesday and a Wrap on Wednesday – this is variety and keeps your lunchbox interesting. The key to keeping your child’s interest and to having a better chance of your lunch being eaten is to use your imagination when it comes to the foods you offer. Would you want to eat the same thing, day in and day out, all the time? You want your child to be interested in eating the food you send – food is the fuel for your baby’s developing brain and body and if the tank is running on empty it will run poorly. So don’t let boredom get in the way of your goal – aim for increasing curiosity instead. However, repetition is also good to some extent, and familiarity is also one of the keys to getting your food eaten - so aim to rotate a variety of lunches involving familiar foods rather than giving your child something completely new to eat in their lunchbox.

Send in the food in an accessible, edible format

If your little one can’t peel an orange, then send it already peeled. If you know the cherries need deseeding and halving, then do it beforehand. Make sure the food you are sending requires very little adult intervention or supervision, and make it friendly for little hands to pick up and enjoy at their own pace. If you do this, you’re maximising your child’s opportunities to make decisions and act on them, and this will build confidence. You’re also maximising your child’s opportunities to interact with food unimpeded. If an adult has to ‘interrupt’ this process by taking the food away to peel it, for example, just as your child has picked it up, then they are getting in the way of your child’s learning process by exerting a level of control – you want to give your child maximum control here.

Use Leftover Dinner as Lunch to Save Time

Make your life easier whenever you can. If you plan your dinners as well as your lunches, you can get clever and kill two birds with one stone. For example, our Tortilla Tapas recipe works great as a hot dinner served with salad as well as cold in the lunchbox a day or two later. 

 Image courtesy of

We like to set our little ones a good example and encourage sharing. We don't mind you using any of the information, recipes and tips from our website, all we ask is that you credit us hard-working mummies here at Yummy Discoveries. 
Thank you x
©Yummy Discoveries Ltd.

Tortilla Tapas

Tortilla Tapas

As busy parents, time is always in short supply. This recipe is quick and easy and doubles-up well as a hot evening meal with cold leftovers for the lunchbox.

Traditional tapas are made over a hob in a frying pan, but as busy parents this isn’t always practical. Popping in the oven is a much easier way of managing this without risk of it burning when you’re changing a dirty nappy!

Makes 12
Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Glug of Olive Oil
1 Onion (thinly sliced)
3 Small Baking Potatoes (peeled and thinly sliced) – wacxy potatoes such as charlotte or jersey royals else they fall apart in the pan
2 Garlic cloves (crushed)
½ tsp paprika
Handful of fresh chopped parsley (optional – this is just for colour)
2 red, yellow or orange peppers (deseeded and thinly sliced)
6 eggs (beaten)
½ tsp fresh chilli

  1. Heat the olive oil in a pan on and add the onion and potatoes, frying for around 15 minutes until the onions and potatoes are soft
  2. Preheat the oven to 200C (180 fan) gas 6 and pop the baking tin in at the same time to preheat
  3. Add the garlic and peppers and cook for another 5 minutes
  4. Remove from the heat and stir in the eggs, chilli, paprika and parsley (if using)
  5. Remove the baking tin from the oven and brush with oil.
  6. Tip the egg mixture in to the pan
  7. Pop in the oven for 20-25 minutes – press the top and if it’s still squidgy pop back in for a little longer
  8. Remove and leave to cool for 5-10 minutes before tipping it upside-down on to a board.
  9. Cut in to squares and serve hot and pop some in the fridge once cooled and in to the lunchbox
We like to set our little ones a good example and encourage sharing. We don't mind you using any of the information, recipes and tips from our website, all we ask is that you credit us hard-working mummies here at Yummy Discoveries. 
Thank you x
©Yummy Discoveries Ltd.

Sweet & Savoury Pancakes

Sweet or Savoury....
Here at Yummy Discoveries we are all about making parent's lives easier in the kitchen.  So we love coming up with recipes that are versatile and simple yet healthy and tasty, for all the family.

A simple batter mix offers itself to many different recipes that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch or dinner (and not just on Shrove Tuesday)!  Here are a couple of our little one's favourites; Sweet Pancakes – a great alternative to toast at breakfast and Savoury Pancakes, delicious as a light lunch.


Ingredients for the batter mix which is the base for both recipes (makes 6 large pancakes using an 8”):

100g / 4oz plain flour
1 egg
300ml  / ½ pint  milk
1 blob of melted butter or oil for frying

Extra ingredients for the Savoury Pancake:

2 cloves of garlic
1 chopped leek
½ a courgette, chopped
Handful of mushrooms chopped
½ pepper, chopped
Handful of cherry tomatoes, quartered
Handful of grated cheddar cheese
Chopped ham (optional)

Extra ingredients for Sweet Pancakes

Butter and fruit puree or jam to serve. (try rhapsodie st dalfour fruit spread as a great alternative to jam – you can get it in the jam aisle in most supermarkets)


Savoury Pancakes (15 minutes preparation time and 10 minutes to cook):

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl, holding the sieve high over the bowl to get air into the flour
  2. Make a well in the centre of the flour and crack the egg into it
  3. Whisk the egg incorporating all the flour
  4. Next gradually add half the milk, whisking all the while, to form a smooth batter
  5. Pour in the remaining milk and whisk until you get a nice smooth batter, the consistency of single cream.
  6. Leave the batter to stand whilst you cook ingredients for the savoury pancakes
  7. Heat some oil in a pan and over a gentle heat cook the garlic, leek and courgette
  8. Once the courgette is soft add the mushrooms, pepper and tomato and cook until the mushrooms are just cooked.
  9. Brush the base of a clean frying pan with some of the melted butter or heat some oil
  10. Heat over a medium heat and when the pan and butter (or oil) are hot pour a ladle's worth of batter into the pan titling it whilst doing so in order to cover the entire base with batter
  11. Sprinkle a couple of tbsp of cooked vegetables over the cooking batter
  12. Once the batter starts to bubble and turn a deeper colour sprinkle with the grated cheese and ham, fold the pancake and cook for a few more minutes
  13. Carefully flip the pancake and cook for a few more minutes
  14. Serve immediately once cool enough for little hands

Sweet Pancakes (about 5 minutes preparation time and 5 minutes to cook) 

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl, holding the sieve high over the bowl to get air into the flour
  2. Make a well in the centre of the flour and crack the egg into it
  3. Whisk the egg incorporating all the flour
  4. Next gradually add half the milk, whisking all the while, to form a smooth batter
  5. Pour in the remaining milk and whisk until you get a nice smooth batter, the consistency of single cream.
  6. Brush the base of a clean frying pan with some of the melted butter or heat some oil
  7. Heat over a medium heat and when the pan and butter (or oil) are hot pour a couple of tbsp      worth the of batter into the pan (it is easy to use a jug)
  8. When the batter bubbles, flip and cook 
  9. Cook the other side until the flap jack is a nice golden colour on each side
  10. Place on a plate and to create a perfect circle use a circular pastry cutter (or any shape of your choice!)
  11. To serve spread with butter and fruit puree or jam
We like to set our little ones a good example and encourage sharing. We don't mind you using any of the information, recipes and tips from our website, all we ask is that you credit us hard-working mummies here at Yummy Discoveries. 
Thank you x
©Yummy Discoveries Ltd.